Hair is a bit like appetite: when it's good, everything's good. But as soon as it starts to show signs of fatigue, it's panic! A few too many hairs caught in the brush or the shower tray, and there you have it, we already imagine ourselves ending up bald, condemned to having hair transplants to get some semblance of a mane back. It's our drama queen side and luckily there's always a good friend to bring us back to reason... Do you recognize yourself in this scenario? Then let us be your best friend for the day and trust us when we tell you that everything will be fine 😊 Depending on the period, it is completely normal to lose your hair. It is even possible to live these episodes with serenity: you just have to adopt the right reflexes. We'll tell you more...
Understanding Seasonal Hair Loss
There is no need to be afraid of hair loss, for the simple reason that this phenomenon is absolutely natural. It is linked to the hair life cycle, which takes place in three main phases. The first phase “anagen” is the growth phase. It generally lasts from 2 to 7 years. The hair is born in the hair follicle and grows about one to two centimeters per month. Then comes the “catagen” phase, a period of about 2 to 3 weeks during which the hair stops growing. Then the cycle ends with the “telogen” phase which lasts between 2 and 4 months. The hair gradually falls out to make way for a new hair in formation. In relation to all this, it is therefore usual to lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day. But depending on the period, it can be more. Particularly during phases of hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause), but also during more specific events such as a peak in stress, extreme fatigue or even a draconian diet (well, well, another good reason to stop dieting 😉). Very often, hair also starts to fall out during seasonal changes: at the beginning of autumn and after winter. This is what is called “seasonal hair loss”, a temporary and harmless phenomenon: phew!
Causes of hair loss
When spring is just around the corner, hair is just emerging from winter. A period during which it had to adapt to the lack of light, the cold, humidity, and blow-drying... which inevitably weakened it. As for the start of autumn, hair suffers the setback of summer. The hair fibre has been put to the test by UV rays, chlorine, salt... Not to mention the shorter days and the stress of going back to school, which doesn't help matters. In this somewhat gloomy context, hair loss can then appear for a few weeks. When hair is in great shape, new hair grows back in stride, as numerous and thick as the previous ones. But if the hair is very damaged or tends to thin out, the new hair may be less dense and finer. Hence the importance of "strengthening" your hair fibre as these key periods approach.
NB: seasonal hair loss does not last more than three consecutive months. Beyond that, it can be chronic hair loss such as androgenic alopecia, which leads to real hair loss, in both men and women. At the first sign of doubt, it is strongly recommended to speak to a dermatologist.
Preventing hair loss related to seasonal change
Adopt a balanced diet
Is your hair not in good shape? Then start by optimizing the content of your food because diet plays a big role in hair health. To slow down seasonal hair loss, stock up on protein, iron, zinc, vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as essential fatty acids such as omega-3. Your best allies are eggs, green vegetables, red fruits, oily fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.
Use the right care
When it's time to shampoo, opt for stimulating formulas based on plant keratin to strengthen the hair's internal structure, and vitamin B to stimulate growth. A little natural tip for fans of homemade cosmetics: rosemary water. One of the benefits of rosemary for hair is to stimulate hair growth. We don't say no!
Protect your scalp
A healthy scalp promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss. So it's best to do everything you can to protect it! This starts by saying bye-bye to anything that makes it sensitive, such as tight hairstyles, hot blow-drying or heating appliances at maximum power.
Actions to take to combat hair loss
Massage your scalp
A good massage from the neck to the top of the head: here is a great opportunity to combine business with pleasure! In addition to the immediate relaxing action, gently kneading the scalp stimulates blood circulation, promotes the supply of nutrients to the hair bulb and therefore ensures a normal hair cycle.
Take food supplements
As spring or fall approaches, there's nothing better than a course of food supplements to give your hair a boost and help it transition smoothly between seasons. Our Good Hair Women hair loss gummies are vegan, free of artificial colors and made in France. Their unique formula, specifically designed to help prevent female hair loss, gives a real boost thanks to highly effective active ingredients such as Venus hair fern, zinc , iron, biotin (B8) and blueberry. For long-term results, we recommend taking 2 gummies per day for 3 to 6 months.
Also find our Good Hair hair growth gummies with a delicious Tutti Frutti flavor.
Chasing away stress
Chronic stress can cause temporary hair loss. So don't hesitate to regularly practice relaxing activities or a sport that lets you let off steam to release the pressure... and protect your hair at the same time ;)